Payment Platform specifically engineered for Cash Bail Payments
The shift to digital currency worldwide has bypassed the bail system in the U.S.
We are changing that.
Our Services
Direct to Jail Operators
Secure Payment Portal
ZERO cost to Jail
No exposure to chargebacks
Receive the FULL bail amount
Reduced operational costs and liability
API Integration to JMS
API Integration to Jail Management System
New functionality
Additional revenue stream
Minimal integration required
Advances path to Jail Modernization
People who can afford their own cash bail end up in jail because they lack the mechanism to pay.
Cash Bail is still largely limited to CASH — hard currency.
Why the void?
Cash bail amounts exceed the amount of cash people carry.
Complexity of taking card payments.
Traditional “merchant” model takes processing fees from the transaction amount — bail is not met.
Chargeback risk.
Payment Industry typically does not distinguish between cash bail and bail bonds.
8A Payments Solution
Developed and deployed a Payment Platform specifically engineered for Cash Bail Payments.
Partnered with Worldpay/Payrix to bring their industry-leading payments processing technology to an untapped market.
Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Compliant.
Provides a Cost-Free, Risk-Free (CFRF) solution enabling the Digital Transformation of Cash Bail.
Contact Us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!